Monthly Archives

July 2015

    Blog Oh the Places We've Been!

    San Francisco

    July 6, 2015

    Joel and I made a quick pit stop in San Francisco back in 1989 when moving back to the Midwest after a half-year stint in Alaska (a story for another day, another post.) At that time, we had a three-year-old Alexandra with us and did the usual touristy things like riding a trolley car, touring Alcatraz and hanging out on Fisherman’s Wharf. We vowed to return someday soon. ‘Soon’ turned into 26 years. Not quite what we had in mind,…

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  • Blog Connected At Our Cores The Inner Self


    Have you ever looked back on your life’s collection of experiences and opportunities and wondered how things would be different if they hadn’t occurred? Most often, almost always, I have the ‘if one door…

    July 2, 2015