We are all connected in the deepest, most intricate of ways.
There isn’t one individual action we take or belief we hold or feeling we feel that doesn’t affect the whole. This is a foundational ~ radical ~ truth for me.
These true, deep connections are never broken. They can, however, be forgotten or ignored, buried intentionally or unknowingly beneath patterns and structures, personal and systemic.

I’m Ellen O’Connor Sauer.
I intentionally dive into patterns and structures, the more deeply buried ~ the more radical ~ the better. I want to see them, feel them and heal them for my self and for the collective.
It may sound intense to dismantle entire structures and patterns within ourselves and our collective. Because it is. We cannot do it alone.
After decades of work with Radical Connection, and a willingness to see and acknowledge the hard truths, the more whole and joyful my role in this collective movement becomes.
Whether you are feeling clarity or uncertainty, curiosity or skepticism, I would love for you to join me in the endeavor of Radical Connection.

Ellen listens with unconditional acceptance of my needs and my path. There is evident love in her presence and her words that make me feel deeply cared for whenever we’re working together.
~ Anonymous
A little more about Ellen…
- Ellen has a passion for human rights, activism, small business and community.
- She co-founded a local chapter of The Human Library.
- She’s a prolific artist, avid reader and ardent cook.
- Born and raised in Kaukauna, Wisconsin, Ellen now resides in Fort Wayne, Indiana with her husband in the historic home they restored.
- All three of her grown children, one in-law, two grandchildren and three grand-dogs live within a two-mile radius!