Written October 10, 2013 One of the toughest parts of moving from one home to another is leaving behind the things you cannot pack in a suitcase. For us those were the wall of…
Written October 8, 2013 We are still basking in the afterglow of our West Central Home and Garden Tour experience. We still marvel at the relative ease with which nearly 1,500 people passed through…
Written September 25, 2013 I want people to live authentically. I want them to hunt deep in their hearts every single day to find out who they are, why they’re here, and how they…
Written September 17, 2013 When my great-niece Annie was just six months old, her parents asked me to create a piece of art for her. They wanted something that would hang in her bedroom…
I’m an organizer, a planner, a whittle-through-the-muck-to-find-the-bottom-line kind of person. In essence, I’m a summarizer. Most of my conversations end with, “OK, in summary…” with the main outcomes highlighted and the action points delegated.…
Written July 5, 2013 This week I touched just a bit on the surface of change. I offered a hint of how I think about things with the treatise on social change based loosely…
Written August 20, 2013 A month and a half ago my laptop was run over by our minivan. It was a short series of missteps leading to a crunch that rendered me instantly untethered…
Written June 28, 2013 It’s been a week of gratitude. Rather, it’s been a couple of months of gratitude. As I embarked on creating the piece of artwork for my sister and brother-in-law, I…
When I was a kid, I wanted a dog. Plain and simple. What kid doesn’t, right? Unfortunately for me, my dad believed that dogs only belonged on farms or in the country, outside where…
Written May 24, 2013 I started this week with the quest for maintaining balance as I move more fully into the world with my creative career. My initial blog, Insights on Balance, helped me…