Be on high alert if you find yourself hoping for a return to ‘normal’. The norm is no longer yours to determine. Release normal. Release. (Truth: ‘Normal’ was (is) awful for a lot of people.) Be cautious with your desire to feel ‘good’ or ‘nice’ right now. With your longing to take a break from witnessing and feeling the intensity of righteous anger and overwhelming sadness. With the inertia and confusion of what to do. Allow your gut to ache…
I know I scare you.With my constant call for change and my fiery demand that you see.Be aware though…it’s not the changing or the seeing that is frightening.It’s your resistance.But it’s time.It’s always time…
Connected At Our Cores The Inner Self White Supremacy and Racism
Operation Assimilation: ASAP v. What’s the Rush?
Two journeys to whiteness Like many of those of European decent, I grew up learning about my immigrant ancestors, harboring great pride in their brave choices to leave the strife of their homeland and…
Journal Gazette Publication: October 14, 2018 We tend to think that school-age children are blank slates who don’t see color and only learn about race when they first encounter it. Yet studies show that…
we are all connected in the deepest, most intricate of ways – each of us to every one and every thing, seen and unseen. There is not one thing we do or action we…
Blog Connected At Our Cores The Inner Self Writings and Art From My Colleagues
An Interview with MacKenzie Sanders
I met MacKenzie Sanders about five years ago when we moved into the West Central neighborhood where she and her family lived...…
Blog Connected At Our Cores The Inner Self Writings and Art From My Colleagues
An Interview with Dr. Ruby Cain
I met Dr. Ruby Cain earlier this year when I accepted an open invitation to attend her monthly community dialogue, It Is Well With My Soul...…
Blog Connected At Our Cores The Inner Self Writings and Art From My Colleagues
An Interview with Summer Lydick
I metSummer on Instagrama year or more ago and was intrigued by her colorful, layered art and her buoyant approach to life...…
I used to shy away from the term Sacred Feminine. Three reasons. One: It so often seems to elicit only religious connections for folks…
I periodically pick up the very full and alive book Untie the Strong Woman by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés just to hear her deeply resonant voice relaying the ancient truths of her ancestors – the mothers, aunties, grandmothers…