Athena came to me upon a suggestion of a friend. Sometimes that’s all it takes. A mention of a name and you feel in your gut that there is more to be had, more…
Have you ever looked back on your life’s collection of experiences and opportunities and wondered how things would be different if they hadn’t occurred? Most often, almost always, I have the ‘if one door…
We read voraciously in order to keep up with the ceaseless tide of excellent literature. We read to our babies and kids so they too can become lovers of good books. Rarely, however do…
Written October 17, 2013 Somewhere along the line I stopped exercising so I looked as good as possible in a bathing suit and started exercising so I don’t get osteoporosis. I honestly don’t know…
Written May 20, 2013 There’s always a lot of talk about maintaining balance in life, that is, ensuring that things are settled and even within oneself. In my world, I feel most balanced when…
Written May 6, 2013 I was blindsided by grief. I knew it was going to be rough. I just didn’t anticipate the enormity of the loss for me. I know…it’s just a dog, it…
Written April 8, 2013 I love the reality TV show, Dancing With the Stars. I mean, I seriously LOVE it. A lot. And I like to watch it alone, nobody talking to me or asking…
Written March 11, 2013 Earlier this year as I was revamping my work life and getting back on my creative track, I attended a workshop called Making It Happen presented by a dear friend…
Written March 4, 2013 I just stumbled upon a great article, Stop Focusing on Your Performance, by Peter Bregman. It pretty much sums up the worry I’ve been having about my recent commitments to…
Written October 14, 2011 Today is my 48th birthday. As the Facebook messages pop up and my husband and children extend their greetings, my thoughts turn to the topic of receiving. Receiving birthday blessings,…