This blog was initially written July 25, 2016. An addendum dated Sept. 21, 2016 follows, as well as another addendum dated January 9, 2024. Our thoughts and patterns and structures create our emotions and…
Blog Connected At Our Cores In Summary... The Inner Self Writings and Art From My Colleagues
In Summary: #Web of Life
My focus during the month of June was the Web of Life...…
Blog Connected At Our Cores The Inner Self Writings and Art From My Colleagues
The Web of Life: An Interview with Calvin
My son, Calvin, and I have been having some intentional conversations this month of June resulting in several Instagram and Facebookposts - his thoughts with my images...…
Several years ago I realized that every aspect of my life kept boiling down to one central belief...…
I dig out the recipe and read the first line – “Scald the milk and let cool to room temp” – and I instantly feel a fluttery anxiety. Flashbacks. “Hey Mom, my sweetrolls didn’t…
Have you ever looked back on your life’s collection of experiences and opportunities and wondered how things would be different if they hadn’t occurred? Most often, almost always, I have the ‘if one door…
Written September 25, 2013 I want people to live authentically. I want them to hunt deep in their hearts every single day to find out who they are, why they’re here, and how they…
May 13, 2013 I love social media. Being a person who sees connectivity in everything, social media is like a superweb of being connected, with thin, but strong strands stretching from me to an…
Written February 25, 2013 I’ve spent a good part of the start of 2013 sorting out what I wanted to do with my business life. The intensity of last year’s house renovation had gradually…