Blog Playing with Book Pages


April 12, 2013

chaos reduced adjusted watermark

“The rhythms of flowing and staccato collide and create the rhythm of chaos. In fact, chaos probably describes most meetings of the feminine and the masculine, whether within our psyches or at the Pravda bar on Lafayette Street. As an energy, chaos gets a bad rap in our culture. Often when I’m teaching I feel the room contract with anxiety as we approach this rhythm. Chaos implies being out of control, and this makes a lot of people nervous. The word comes from the Greek word ‘chaos,’ meaning empty space or abyss. Most of us are afraid of emptiness because we consider it a vacuum, a negative force. In reality it is a positive space, loaded with potential, free of all the strictures and structures of the ordinary world. Chaos has many teachings; it is the place where all contraries, such as feminine and masculine, dissolve; where opposites are transcended and unified. In chaos it is ordinary to be visionary, which is why it is the realm of art.” 

Note to self: chaos is good!

Also, “spandex shorts”. 🙂


Created April 11, 2013 with page 114 of Gabrielle Roth’s book, Sweat Your Prayers, marbled paper, and pencil. 

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