What exactly is the Human Library™?
The Human Library is a concept created by Ronni Abergel, Dany Abergel, Christoffer Erichsen and Asma Mouna of the Danish youth organisation Stop The Violence in 2000 and it is now operational on five continents. Human Library Fort Wayne is licensed through this international organization. It is a library of human beings – individuals – that each represent a group in the community that are somehow exposed to stigma, prejudice and/or discrimination.
The Human Library ™ aims to establish a safe conversational space, where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and hopefully answered by the Human Book on loan. It was developed to challenge societal prejudices wherever and for whatever reasons they occur, and to help people form a better understanding of those with whom they share their communities.
Who is a Human Book?
A Human Book is a person who has volunteered to challenge prejudice through respectful conversation with members of the public who borrow them. They will have a title that relates to their experience of prejudice and/or discrimination due to issues such as race, sex, age, disability, sexual preference, gender identity, class, religion/belief, lifestyle choices or other aspects of who they are. The title they choose directly reflects this in order to challenge the Reader to reflect on the stigmatization that occurs, e.g. Refugee, Muslim, Homeless, etc.
Who are the Readers in the Human Library?
The Human Library™ offers its patrons the opportunity to become readers – checking a Human Book out on loan for a conversation on the topic/issue that they represent. e.g. the Past Felon would talk about stereotypes and prejudices that he or she faces in job searching and adjusting to everyday life and the would answer any question the reader may have about this topic.
People of all ages and backgrounds can come to the Human Library, but what they seem to have in common is that they would like to better understand someone they consider ‘other’ and they are prepared to take the time to learn. Conversations between Books and Readers are offered in a monitored setting with the Book sharing their personal experiences of prejudice and/or discrimination with the Readers who come to ‘check them out’ for a bit.
What is Human Library Fort Wayne?
Human Library Fort Wayne believes that the same concept of the founding Human Library™ can be applied to our community. That is, the prejudices and stereotypes present in our community can be interrupted and dismantled by creating a positive environment for conversation; an environment where real people are ‘on loan’ to readers and where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered. You can read about our inaugural Human Library Fort Wayne event here.
If you are interested in hosting a Human Library event or being involved in Human Library – Fort Wayne as a Book, Reader, Librarian (volunteer) or donor, please send us an email at: humanlibraryfw@gmail.com.
Or follow Human Library Fort Wayne on Facebook or Instagram.