I absolutely loved searching for and noticing the LIGHT for the past 40 days. Thanks to Karen Walrond who presented the opportunity via her @heychookooloonks Instagram account. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Post a picture each day that reflects light – no other parameters or instructions offered. At times it was indeed simple. Other times it was a challenge. Either way, it made me focus my attention on where I see (or sometimes struggle to see) light-filled images – openings, big or small, inner or outer, obvious or subtle. Below are most of those that I posted on my @ellencsauer Instagram page with their captions and hashtags included. Look to the light, people!

OK so I JUST declared my commitment to @heychookooloonks invitation to #40daysoflight and thought dang it! I picked the cloudiest of days to set this in motion and then… THEN… I found myself squinting at my desk because the sun miraculously found an opening in the clouds, shone straight in my eyes, and reminded me she was there. Yes, the light is always there – within and behind everything – even when we cannot see it. #filledwithgratitude for these #gentlereminders. #ellensauerart.

My winter morning with Frida. #40daysoflight #filledwithgratitude #ellensauerart

The beautiful ceiling in the historic Riviera Theater in Three Rivers, Michigan. What an awesome place to watch a movie – the Oscar-nominated short documentaries. The movies and the venue worth the drive. #40daysoflight

My new light switch – a gift from daughter @alexandrakaye17 for Valentine’s Day. Now Frida REALLY lights up my studio! #40daysoflight #imafridafreak

My two sweet girls. #40daysoflight @alexandrakaye17

My current read. Opening to learning, feeling uncomfortable, waking up. Shedding light. #40daysoflight

No filters. No touch ups. “Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo), here comes the sun, and I say, it’s all right…” #40daysoflight #lovingdowntownfortwayne

Tip: When searching for your daily light, follow the dog. #40daysoflight

@alexandrakaye17 and I have been spending a lot of time in the glow of movie screens in our quest to see every movie on the Oscar list. Tonight is a double feature at Cinema Center – 45 Years plus the Live Action shorts. Tomorrow the same locale for Animated shorts and our mission will be complete (with the exception of the foreign films which have not yet been released in the U.S. and/or within a 100-mile radius of us, aka our limit. We’ll catch those when they come our way in the weeks to come. Still impressive, yes?) Oops…gotta turn this off and look to the LIGHT of the big screen!! #40daysoflight

Casting shadows in the mid morning sunlight on this crazy beautiful 60 degree February day in Indiana. Taken in the sculpture garden at the @fwmoa. The sun was still low so I had to stretch to reach the light. That’s how it is sometimes, yes? #40daysoflight

Not a single filter or adjustment needed on this one. Shared from my father-in-law, the view from his back patio early one morning last week. That’s the sunrise over the Catalina Mountains in Tucson, Arizona. He dropped his cereal spoon and grabbed his iPad in time to catch a few gorgeous shots. #40daysoflight

Roxy was as stunned as I was to find this rainbow shining on the back staircase. Courtesy of the stained glass window and Ms. Sun. #40daysoflight

While I was zonked out nice and early last night, this stunning winter full moon burned bright. Thanks to Lou Ann Homan for capturing its image on her late-night winter hike so I could enjoy. (Picture shared with her permission.) #40daysoflight

It’s cloudy today, but yesterday…yesterday was crazy sunny. I watched our shadows dance up and down our West Central sidewalks. Managed to capture them together (plus Roxy’s nose.) #40daysoflight

Title: ‘Maggie’s Cat Staring at the Light FOR 30 MINUTES!!!’ Lesson: Look to the light, People. There’s something good in there. If you have a good caption for this one, please share below in the comments. #40daysoflight

Sage burning strong here. Wish you could take in the aroma in addition to the visual! #40daysoflight

My soul is on fire! (Could be worse… Could be my hair. “Whoa! Is my hair out?” – name that movie reference. @alexandrakaye17 you got this.) #40daysoflight

Shiny x 2. #chrisrockrocks #watchedall52movies #notkidding #seriouslyeverysingleone #40daysoflight

Family LOVE. #40daysoflight

Hope. #40daysoflight

Had the joy of seeing @glennondoylemelton of #momastery live and in person right here in Fort Wayne yesterday. This light in the world reminded me of so many truths – this quote is just the one that is still resonating with me today. Been feeling a little fragile lately and I guess I needed to remember why. #filledwithgratitude #connectedatourcores #gentlereminders #40daysoflight

A one-day belated #40daysoflight post. Not sure where Thursday went! It was beautifully snowy and quite cloudy yesterday, but my new year-of-the-dragon suncatcher still reflected the light. A gift from daughter @alexandrakaye17 from her trek to Boulder last week. Piece created by Monkey Girl Creations found at http://monkeygirlcreations.com/

I can’t look at this face without my heart exploding. Pure love. #40daysoflight #allineedislove #favoritechild

I’m not gonna lie. This string of cloudy days has me a little down with the #40daysoflight challenge. Challenge indeed. I dug a little deeper today – all the way back to a family trek to Italy where the sun was blazing and light abounded every single day. This is my clan huddled together with the Pantheon’s oculus as our joint halo. The Pantheon, built to honor all gods of that ancient Roman time. You could feel that sacred power in its foundation for sure. #Italy #sacredfeminine #reweavingourwebs

Sun spilling on my Frida coaster this afternoon. Hang on, Goddess Frida, I’m coming for ya’. I’ll be knocking on the door of La Casa Azul in five short days!! #40daysoflight

Real. Live. Tulips. OUTSIDE. Could hardly believe it. Had to touch them to see if they were real. Thank you @fwmoa for reminding us that spring is near. #40daysoflight

All things point to the light. Photo by my beautiful niece, @avrieann, who said this combines two of her favorite things – long runs and sunsets. I only love one of those things, but still love this image and her!! #40daysoflight
For your viewing pleasure, a ray of sunlit goodness into your day, I bring you three pictures of Oakley – a beloved dachshund adorned with hysterical attire. Created by my son, Calvin, sent to me three years ago, and saved on my phone so I can always pull up a laugh when needed. Enjoy. @derekkunzman look familiar? (And enjoy this slideshow courtesy of the Flipagram app – new to me and fun to explore.)#40daysoflight #dachshundsofinstagram #getsmeeverytime

Hola la Ciudad de Mexico. We just met, but I already love you. #40daysoflight

Guess where I was today!! #40daysoflight #coyoacan #imafridafreak #casaazul

The cactus fence of Museo Casa Estudio Diego y Frida. #40daysoflight #imafridafreak

Simba, communal guard cat at Hershey’s Mexico City condo, offering me that universal cat staredown from the hood of the car. “What’s that? You want me to get down so you can drive? Bahahaha!” #evenmexicancatshaveattitude #40daysoflight #imadogpersonbutirelate

Standing on the sun. The Pyramid of the Sun, that is. Big BIG day for me here in Teotihuacan. #40daysoflight #thegoddessisaliveandwell #teotihuacan

Mexico City’s angel of independence. Impressive by day and stunningly lit up on this beautiful, clear night. I caught this shot atop the open-air Turibus en route to the Luchador show. (Glimpses of that gem to follow soon!) #40daysoflight

I met a real live Mexican luchador – Stuka Jr. – who posed for a pic in front of the beautiful Palacia de Bella Artes. Jealous? #40daysoflight #luchadorsarepeopletooexceptwedontknowwhotheyarebecausetheywearmasks

No touch ups needed. The Tiffany curtain at the Palacia de Bella Artes. That’s the Tiffany glass Tiffany…THAT Tiffany. Wowza! #40daysoflight

Don’t you just love how the eyes of this show off’s feathers catch the glistening light and… OK, who am I kidding? The only reason I’m sharing this one is because of my impeccable timing with the art of photobombing. #40daysoflight #peacocksthinktheyreallthat #peacocksAREallthat #museodedeloresolmedo
You know, the usual – legs out a window. Spotted on a side street in Coyoacan, Mexico. Our friend Hershey, a local, said in years past the owners used to change out the socks to suit the season. Must have decided that bare was the way to go this time of year. #40daysoflight #coyoacan #whoneedssocksonadayliketoday

Two powerful talismans from my dear friend and art mentor, Ilene, from her visits to Teotihuacan. I stuffed them in my pocket for my first trek there to juice ’em up a bit and carry a bit of her with me. Would have loved to have her there too, live and in person. She really loved Teo. Miss her. #40daysoflight #filledwithgratitude
I loved reading these entries and seeing “the light” each day with you, Ellen.
Regina McCaleb reginaleffers@gmail.com