Big news this week! Amid all of the tear down and surprises of our future home, our current home sold. Nearly forgot about that, didn’t you? Although lots of people own two (or more) homes, that wasn’t our long-term plan at all, so we’re pretty darn thrilled. I have officially unearthed St. Joseph whom I buried in mid-February when we listed the house. ‘Properly buried’, I might add, i.e. upside down and facing the house with all the right intentions offered. He did his job well and is now breathing fresh air atop our mantle. Here’s a picture of him before we spit-cleaned him back into shape.
We don’t have a moving date yet, but it’s definitely more real than it was before. We’re hoping to be able to live in the third-floor finished attic apartment of the new house if we need to vacate our current premises while the main house is still in chaos (very likely.) Drew was recently informed of this potential plan. After an incredulous “Are you kidding me?” and a long, teenager stare, he uttered something as he ambled away. I couldn’t quite hear everything he said, but it was along the lines of “Hooray! I’m so happy that my awesome bachelor pad will also be home to my loving parents and both of my crazy dogs. Life is too good to me.” Yeah, that was it.
Addendum: Written May 2, 2012
Many of you probably know that once St. Joseph helps you sell your house, you are supposed to offer him a place of honor in the new home. Joel thought he fit well in the little vestibule in the foyer. We’ve been asked by lots of people what we’re going to put in this beautiful spot. Well here’s the answer!