Blog Creating a Home

Time To Do Laundry

April 16, 2013

Written April 18, 2013

The Reader’s Digest version is this: two closets became one laundry room. Yep.

Here’s one of them.

img 0048

Here’s the other one. (Not the whole room…just that closet with the desk in it in the back of the photo.)

img 0052

And here’s Calvin taking the wall down between them.

It looked like this most of the summer, various things stored and shifted around.

img 1167

Then about 30 things happened at once toward the end of the process and it was complete (pictured at the top of this post).

My favorite thing (after the bright sunny window) is this awesome doodad.

img 2491

It makes it super easy to iron which for me is roughly twice a year. High fives all around!

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