I have been drawn to the Goddess Aditi since the first time I saw an image of an ancient depiction of her – below.
What I instantly loved about this image was the absence of the typical ‘goddess’ form. Although she has just enough attributes to allow us to recognize her humanness – legs, arms, and ears – as well as a throne to depict her sacredness, the heart of her Being has no shape.
Rather, her core is filled with a vast openness. She is unbound by the egoic structures of form, identity, and roles. And as a result, she is free of judgment, of comparison, and of expectation.
With that perspective, Aditi’s formlessness is more beautiful than any curvaceous, half-clad goddess. The portal that she is invites me to leave my ego at the front step, enter into her nurturing velvet blackness, and rest in the freeing state of simply Being Present.
The original of this piece is 24 x48″, oil on canvas, with plaster casts of my hands and feet covered with marbled paper. Silk material, beading, and found objects adorn her as well. Completed 2007. Original not for sale, but images can be purchased at RedBubble.