Blog Frida Series

Frida Retablo

July 19, 2011

Frida’s popularity seems to grow exponentially as time goes on. Her life and her art have meaning for many of us. For me, she is a source of deep support within my web because she embodies one simple word that I carry into my art as well as my day-to-day life. Honesty.

Art was a means of honest, self exploration for Frida. “I paint my own reality.” She painted herself over and over again…self portraits as well as images of her own experiences and inner world because, as she said, “I am the person I know best.”

She did not censor what images came forward, what she created, or what she presented to the world. “The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.” As a result, her body of work is often bold and daring. It speaks openly to the world telling us who she is with no apology or veiling.

This collage measures 8 x 12″ and is constructed atop an upcycled plywood shelf. The image of Frida is a Solar Plate print and the black framework on the piece is Tyvek papercutting. Multiple found objects and papers complete the piece.

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