Blog Writings and Art From My Colleagues

Lloyd King

April 2, 2013

Lloyd is a brilliant photographer who captures stunning images of nature. Lately however, he’s been taking his photos to new heights with the aid of his computer, combining more than one image to create another. I, of course, love this new venture of his because I love anything dimensional and collage-like.

He describes himself in this way:

     “I have a passion to experience the world through all of my senses, especially the sense of touch. It is through the lens of my camera that I am privileged to get closer to my subjects, to feel their energy and aliveness, to touch their soul. This journey expands my knowledge and understanding beyond the visual representation.

      When I am photographing there is an exchange of feelings between my subject and myself. This exchange is an unspoken agreement. I am no longer the observer, but instead, I am the vehicle for the expression of the subject and its story.

      In my digital dark room the images communicate with me, inviting me to tell their story. They touch my soul with all of their color, light, and patterns, allowing me to receive their messages. This is where my images evolve, as they are combined with other images. I capture the soul of each image, listening to what moves me creating a new image with its own unique soul.”

The two pieces he offered us are:

The Power of Beauty, which combines an image of a woman’s arm tattoo and a box of his dad’s prized Winchester bullets,

and Magnetic Metal, which takes a photo of a Harley and shifts the colors and lines to create a completely new outcome. Love it! And so did someone else because this piece sold when it was featured in this same spot for the 2013 West Central Home and Garden Tour. Way to go, Lloyd!!

Since Lloyd doesn’t yet have a website link to offer you, I want to share four other pieces of his work that I consider my favorites. Below is A Vision in the Fog – a Buddha statue combined with the image of an oxen skull. Can you find it?

Enduring the Journey – car hood ornaments facing off with dandelion ‘fireworks’ in the background. Seriously, those fireworks were originally a photo of a dandelion.

Untamed Dance – three brave women framed by strips of barn board. They weren’t originally framed by barn board. Lloyd did that on his magic computer.

Watching Over the Flow – hood ornament soldiers atop an ancient building, right? Actually the ancient building started life as a porch railing on a home in West Central. And the background ‘flow’ is actually the design atop a dessert. Being a new West Centralite, I love this new story of the steady watchful eyes over my new neighbors with the flow of the St. Mary’s carrying us along.

Lloyd added a new piece to our home for the 2013 West Central Home and Garden Tour. It was Courage to Carry the Light and hung at the beginning of the long hallway gallery, greeting those who ventured through.

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