
Here is a growing list of some wonderful teachers that have helped me learn and unwind. When I’m opening to new voices, I find it helpful to feel into them with intentional connection first. Some guidelines to do that are:

  1. Stay open and connected while exploring – deep belly breaths, a receptive posture.
  2. This very short blog always opens me and may help you prepare.
  3. Call upon some of the forces and people who brought you to this point – invite them to watch and learn with you (in spirit 🙂 Just see how that feels.
  4. Scroll through the timelines and websites ~ follow links ~ watch videos.
  5. Feel into who they are, what they are teaching, and to whom they are speaking.
  6. Remember that while some information may be helpful for your own personal needs, not everything is created and shared with you in mind. 
  7. Listen in a new way – beyond cognitive, read between the lines, feel them.
  8. Pay attention to when you may feel the binary – good/bad, loud/quiet, angry/kind, etc and how it feels in you? Be curious why it’s coming up in you.
  9. Read the comments if available as well as the replies to comments to learn, but please do not comment, like or share during this exploration period.
  10. Perhaps follow some with differing styles and perspectives.
  11. If inclined and able, pay them for their wisdom and emotional labor in sharing – join their Patreon sites, buy their books, make a one-time payment.
  12. Most importantly…pay attention to how it all makes you feel – emotions, physical body feels, mind chatter. All of it. No judgement of yourself. Just take note.

Black Women to Follow, Listen to, Learn from… Week 1 consider those in the highlighted area below.

Black Women to Follow, Listen to, Learn from… Week 2 consider those in the highlighted area below.

Indigenous Folks/Groups to Follow, Listen to, Learn from… Week 3 consider those in this highlighted area

Poets to Follow, Listen to, Learn from… Week 4 consider those in the highlighted area below

Note: Live poetry readings are powerful, so consider seeking them out for those below and others you discover.

Local Artists, Activists, Groups to Follow, Listen to, Learn from Week 5 consider those in the highlighted area below