Blog Creating a Home

This and That

June 13, 2012
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As I sort through pictures for other blogs, I’m stumbling across a few that are worth sharing, but not necessarily in their own blog. So here’s a mish mash of pictures for you to peruse.

A few weeks ago, Drew was becoming increasingly skeptical that this house was ever going to be livable. In the early days, he had been quite the enthusiast with statements like, “This is going to be a beast of a house” and “It’s so cool you guys have the vision” and other awesome statements. So in his moment of weakness Joel wrote him the following note. It now hangs on our refrigerator.

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In case you can’t read it: Dad’s pledge to Drew­­­­ – Three weeks from 5/24 the house will look nearly ready to move in. (OK, so we haven’t quite met that deadline, but it got us through a rough spot so all is well.)

My sister, Sue, recently visited and presented us with our first house warming gift. It now shares the space in our sacred niche with St. Joseph.

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(BTW…We gave them a gold plunger when they built their house so they’re returning the favor along with extra glitter and ribbons.)

I have plans to create a mosaic over the kitchen sink since, if you recall, the windows are higher and we won’t be able to look out of them when standing there. Who wants to look at a blank wall, right? So the idea of a mosaic of the three Fort Wayne rivers came to be – Joel’s idea since we’re in the heart of them in our new downtown locale. Someday I’ll be posting a blog about that mosaic, but for now, we’ve been collecting items to include in it. Through all of the tear down, we asked the contractors to set aside any goodies they may find for future use in the mosaic (or for any other art project of mine.) They all hopped on board and set aside a bucket to toss things into as they went along. It’s nearly full!

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Drew and his buddy, Landon, came to help with the desirable task of getting the last two old toilets out of the house and breaking them up in the dumpster. Here’s a photo of them hauling one out. You can also watch the videos of them breaking them up here and here.

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With all of the various specialties descending on our house at once it can be quite a zoo. Here’s a typical view of the front of the house with a line of their cars parked for the day and behind the house with cars double parked in the alley.

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This is typical inside with power tools in constant need of juice.

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Last, my friend, Ann, is helping us out with some design/decorating decisions. She suggested from the get go that I create a color binder to keep track of what furniture is going where and the colors that predominate and all that because this overhaul was going to be a lot to keep track of. Well if you know me at all, you know that I’m all over organizational tools so I followed her directions and created my binder. Another glimpse…

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